dr. Rudolf Steiner centre has organized a course of biodynamic farming in heart of Istria. This time we focused on what biodynamics can offer to Littoral farming, which pedological, climate and other conditions differ markedly from those found on continent. Judging by the first reactions and assessments, the results are more than satisfactory.

Farm Purgaj


  • Health

    Naši pridelki so pridelani brez pesticidov in mineralnih gnojil. Pri pridelavi uporabljamo biodinamične preparate in druge zdravju koristne snovi.

  • Caring for nature

    Biodynamic method of farming alows us to nurture our surroudings, to care for nature instead of doing harm. With this in mind we make healthy living environment for many generations to come.
  • Lifelong learning

    We actively participate in section for agriculture in Goetheanum - with leading biodynamics all around the world we develop and research new technologies and practices of biodynamic agriculture.
  • Sharing knowledge

    Through society for biodynamic farming Podravje we hold lectures and workshop on our farm.

Človek je to, kar jé. Le da je potrebno poleg materialnega procesa razumeti tudi duhovnega. - Rudolf Steiner

  • Jabolka in jabolčni sok lahko naročite preko spletnega obrazca, ki ga najdete med zavihki zgoraj.

    Naj bo vaš dan poln zdravja!

  • Biodinamična metoda - video

    Intervjuji za film The challenge of Rudolf Steiner